How To Salmon Fish With Downriggers

How to Salmon Fish with Downriggers

How to Salmon Fish with Downriggers


Salmon fishing with downriggers is a popular technique among anglers due to its effectiveness in targeting deep-water salmon species. Downriggers are specialized devices that allow anglers to precisely control the depth at which bait or lures are presented to fish. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of salmon fishing with downriggers, including the equipment needed, setup, and recommended techniques.


To successfully fish for salmon with downriggers, you will need to assemble the following equipment:

  • Downriggers: Choose a reliable downrigger system that can handle the weight of your fishing gear and adjust easily with depth changes.
  • Rods and Reels: Opt for quality salmon fishing rods and reels designed to handle the weight and fight of these powerful fish.
  • Downrigger Weights: Use heavy weights to counterbalance the resistance of the fishing line and achieve the desired depth.
  • Release Clips: Attach release clips to the downrigger cable, allowing for quick and controlled release of the fishing line when a fish bites.
  • Fishing Line: Select a strong monofilament or braid line that can handle the weight and fighting ability of salmon.
  • Terminal Tackle: Purchase a variety of lures, flashers, and bait rigs specifically designed for salmon fishing.
  • Safety Gear: Always wear a personal flotation device and carry essential safety equipment, such as a whistle and a first aid kit.


Once you have gathered all the necessary equipment, follow these steps to set up your downriggers:

  1. Mount the Downriggers: Attach the downriggers securely to your boat, ensuring stability even in rough waters.
  2. Attach the Weights: Connect the downrigger weights to the end of the downrigger cable. Make sure they are securely fastened.
  3. Thread the Line: Thread the main fishing line through the rod guides and connect it to the release clip attached to the downrigger cable.
  4. Choose the Depth: Set the desired fishing depth on the downrigger by adjusting the length of the cable release line.
  5. Add Lure or Bait: Attach your chosen lure or bait rig to the main fishing line, ensuring it is securely fastened and positioned at the desired depth.
  6. Engage the Downrigger: Lower the downrigger weight and engage the reel, allowing the downrigger to lower the bait or lure to the desired depth.


To maximize your success when salmon fishing with downriggers, consider the following techniques:

Speed and Depth Control

The key to effective salmon fishing with downriggers is controlling the speed and depth of your presentation. Experiment with different lure depths and troll speeds to find the sweet spot that triggers bites. Use a fish finder or depth sounder to locate schools of salmon, and adjust your downrigger depth accordingly.

Vary Your Lure Selection

Salmon can be selective in their feeding habits, so it’s important to have a diverse arsenal of lures. Experiment with different colors, sizes, and types of lures to determine what works best on a given day. Pay attention to the water clarity and light conditions, as these factors can influence lure effectiveness.

Use Attractors

Attractors, such as flashers or dodgers, can significantly increase your chances of enticing salmon to strike. These devices create a flashing, erratic movement that mimics injured prey, attracting the attention of nearby fish. Attach the attractor approximately three to five feet ahead of your lure for optimal results.

Vary Your Trolling Patterns

Salmon can be highly mobile, so it’s essential to vary your trolling patterns to cover a larger area and increase your chances of encountering active fish. Experiment with straight-line trolling, zigzag patterns, and figure eights to trigger strikes from curious salmon.


Salmon fishing with downriggers is both an art and a science. By understanding the equipment needed, following proper setup procedures, and implementing effective techniques, you can greatly enhance your chances of success on the water. Remember to always adhere to local fishing regulations, practice catch-and-release when appropriate, and continue expanding your knowledge and skills through experimentation and experience.

Frances Chiu

Frances S. Chiu is a passionate aquarist and biologist. She currently resides in the United Kingdom and has been writing about fish and aquariums for over five years. She is an expert on all things related to fish keeping and is always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to care for fish. She is a regular contributor to various online fish and aquarium magazines, websites and blogs. She also enjoys traveling and exploring different cultures, nature, and marine life.

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